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February 26, 2005


At night I felt like Timo, my former and most beloved cat, as I slept tucked away in my secret corner in the billiard room. I wake up early. I like to think it's because I prefer to be woken up by birds than by cars, but really it's because I cannot help it. I knew one of the twins is also an early riser, but which one? I don't know yet how to tell them apart. Strange to look so much alike after sixty years. I would think living in such completely different places would show more. The nearly full moon is high in the morning sky. It's a beautiful site, the top of the sky is crisp and deep blue, and the horizon streaming with pinks and oranges of the rising sun. There are photos of my godson all around me and they make miss him. Tomorrow, it becomes official. I must remember up, down, left, right and to lead with my thumb...

Posted by talia at February 26, 2005 2:46 PM