By PDLCPayday Loan

December 21, 2007

A son is born: Felix Milo Shuldiner

Looking for the new baby blog:

Posted by talia at 2:49 AM

November 29, 2006

yes, it's supposed to be that fast

today, at 28w4d. if sounds can be cute, this one surely is.
Download file

I'm not as far along as I thought I was, for some reason, keeping track of the weeks is proving difficult. Peanut M&Ms are proving dangerous.

Posted by talia at 5:40 PM | Comments (2)


I’m back. for now. and frankly, (mind if I call you that?) I’m not so sure I want to be back. all the fuss about capitalizing my letters, punctuating my sentences, biting my remarks...I’m not sure it's for me right now.

I’m going to figure out how to upload a sound file, so we can listen to the baby's (aka, the construction project in my womb, CPIMW) heartbeat together. 'til then.

Posted by talia at 5:26 PM

April 22, 2006

a collection of things

I would like to...
figure out why the yard in the garden is so swampy.
build a plant box for tomatoes.
move so of those silly unsatisfying hydrangeas so they aren't scattered all over the garden.

dive into a new book.

find the back up power cord for my computer.

Posted by talia at 8:58 AM

April 4, 2006

It's Back

After many months of first being held hostage by buffoons and then quarantined, T41 has been returned to me. Two dear friends reunited at long last.

Posted by talia at 1:46 PM